
  • Martinez Carlton a făcut o actualizare Acum 1 an, 4 luni

    Playgrounds are for kids just as roads do with the cars that were created for them. Playing in playgrounds is more than just rambunctious entertainment. Kids gain social skills through learning how to communicate and share space with other kids. Through mastering new skills, they develop the ability to adapt. Add the addition of a merry go round playground to children’s playing, and the advantages of playing become more physical. Children gain Vitamin D from the sun, and can burn calories and build muscles while being active.

    More than appears to the eye

    It’s been discovered that exciting playground games like spinning and climbing, swinging, swinging, and sliding can trigger the body’s important systems to grow and function properly. Playground activities improve fine and gross motor skills, as well as core strength. They strengthen the vestibular system the sensory system which assists with balance and coordination and develop proprioception, or body awareness.

    The systems let children be able to navigate their surroundings and their emotions in dealing with sensory input. Sensory-impaired children may require the help of a occupational or physical therapists to concentrate more on these areas, but neurotypical kids can still benefit from the opportunity to play this way , and will most likely be able to do it themselves provided they have the opportunity to play with equipment.

    Therapists laud therapists for providing great sensory experiences

    Physical therapist Kizmi Olson MSPT is a specialist in introducing children who are in therapy different sensory experiences like water, sand, sounds but also keep it fun. “Playgrounds are wonderful,” she said, “because they’re fun and allow kids to get the sensory stimulation they need. Parents don’t need to make their kids play, as the desire to be active is high. She said that the swings, slides, and sand pits are among her three most-loved playground activities.

    Jennifer Philbrook MS, OTR Jennifer Philbrook MS, OTR be a sensory feast for children. They can stimulate their senses as well as help children learn to manage themselves. She explained that playing in the playground provides children with great input to help them relax and organize their bodies and minds and promote awareness. “They are able to feel various textures, from the smooth metal of the equipment to the feel of grass or mulch that sits underneath the vintage playground merry go round for sale equipment. They can swing, spin or even rock to gain vestibular input. They can also jump and hang, or climb for sensory input.”

    Playground equipment has many benefits

    Have a look around the playground to consider how you can help your child develop and grow by playing.


    Children must climb to the top of the slide, building coordination and developing strength in their arms and legs. They slide down the slide using increased vestibular involvement.


    Swinging enhances the vestibular system and builds core strength holding the swing. Olson said that swings help calm overstimulated children because they have a calming impact.

    Sand pit

    Sand play can help children develop fine motor skills and sensory integration. merry go round for backyard can play with piles, digs and pick up sand. It also helps improve balance when kids walk on the uneven terrain. Children can dig in sand pits with construction-style diggers to enhance their coordination as well as upper body strength.

    Monkey bars

    The bars that you hang from strengthen your hands and fingers which may help improve writing skills. You can grasp anything from pretending to steer on top of play structures to lifting and lower objects on ropes.

    Parents should be aware of their responsibilities and avoid interfering with non-structured play to reap its benefits. Let the kids decide how to solve difficult situations. They should be able climb up safely if they are capable of doing so without any assistance.